Selecting the Right Deadbolt to Protect Your Business


When you own a business, you have to ensure that you provide the best security. A business can only succeed if people feel secure and the property is protected. There are necessary security measures that every business should take. They include securing the exterior doors. Having a good, locking system will assist to make sure that you keep unwanted people out of your property while keeping those in the building safe. Installing a dead bolt will assist to offer required security for your building.

Selecting a good dead bolt

Dead bolts are very useful when it comes to protecting exterior doors. It is important to know that there are many models in the market and choosing the right product will make a huge difference. There are several factors to consider when choosing one to protect your business. When looking for a commercial grade one, make sure that it is ANSI Grade 1. The American National Standards Institute or ANSI specifications have to be met for the dead bolt to be commercial grade.

Qualities of a good dead bolt

Knowing what qualities make a good dead bolt might help you make the best decision. The best product must undergo 250,000 open and close cycles of testing. The bolt should protrude one inch into the frame and also must be able to sustain 10 hammer blows before collapsing. When you select this type, you are effectively making it hard for burglars to access your property. Ensure that the lock is correctly installed by an expert for the best results.

Choosing double or single cylinder

When choosing a dead bolt, you need to determine whether to go for a double or single cylinder model. When you have a double cylinder dead bolt, you need a key to open and close from both inside and outside the door. On the other hand, you can lock or unlock a single cylinder from the inside without using a key. The double cylinder is the better option for your business especially if your doors have glass or windows. This will prevent someone breaking the glass to unlock the door from the inside.

When selecting the lock, you have to think about the issue of security. It is essential to note that a double cylinder one can make it difficult to exit the building quickly in case of an emergency. It also helps to keep in mind that modern windows are made from tough glass that is difficult to break. A single cylinder Grade 1 dead bolt can work very well. Get the services of west philadelphia locksmith to ensure proper installation. They can provide you all kinds of deadbolt related services at reliable rates.
